Free Tips For Your Life

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tips : Facing the Problems of Your Life

Many problems happening around health, relationships, and others that perhaps we are hard to find a way to fix this, so that it becomes a lifelong problem that is difficult to overcome.
Here I give examples of some of these problems and try to help you give tips to overcome them.

1. Mild insomnia that you experience can be overcome with a clear mind when closed his eyes and relax every muscle in your body, especially the lower jaw muscles by letting his mouth slightly open.

2. Muscle soreness is often experienced especially during sleep, breath was short (struggling) and body tired quickly when cleanup house or doing physical activities like exercise. It can be overcome by starting to leave for good drinking habits in a state of cold and ice water. Begin to replace it with warm water.

3. Experienced nightmares during sleep tonight most likely the result of eating beef, goat or other quadruped during dinner.

4. Difficult bowel movements and less current are probably due to your lack of drinking water, especially after meals. Can be overcome by beginning to drink water at least 2 cups after meals and drinking water at least 2 cups at a time before your usual bowel movement.

5. Often feel something is missing in the dress but had to buy expensive clothes with colors that is fitting. This is probably due to the way you are not standing straight and slightly bent. Begin to train your body straighten and slightly puff out his chest so that your physical appearance looks more solid.

6. At the mirror you feel your smile less attractive. Start practicing a sincere smile in a way always does well with a sincere heart.

7. Your presentation in front of prospective customers often ends up in failure to attract his interest. Looks like you're having trouble reaching his beliefs. Try to learn to look attractive and neat and show sincerity and a sense of sincerity towards any negative response from your prospect. Do not impress your hostile attitude of rejection.

8. You often feel surprised by uncontrolled spending money. Begin inventory anywhere and for whatever money has been used up. Check where this is important, quite important but still could be delayed and not important that it is not necessary that the cause of the release of your money. If it turns out many things that normal and unimportant, then the first craft to the next spending plan lists expenditures and do the same thing as above. If there is normal and is not important in your list, do not spend your money for both.

9. Friends often move away when you get closer or not stand for long talk with you. Maybe just because you have body odor, bad breath or style you are not comfortable talking to hear as it is insulting tone, narcissism - often boasting, or you often borrow money from them, like asking treated to meals or often asks for help. Begin to fix these things.
10. You hardly find creative ideas, such as when writing or doing certain jobs. Begin to read a lot, ask for opinions of others or listen to their stories and often walk around, looking and observing the environment in your journey. Note the interesting things that are found from these experiences and processes into product ideas.

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