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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Principles of Good Eating During Pregnancy

One important phase of pregnancy in helping the development of the fetus in the womb are what you eat and how you eat during pregnancy. For that we need to learn about the principles of good eating during this pregnancy.

Some of the tips / principles of eating well during pregnancy :

Change It The Way You Eat Even If You Already Eat Well
You now are pregnant, so your diet should follow the diet for pregnant women. In pregnancy you need   more consumption of protein, calories (for energy), vitamins and minerals such as folic acid and iron for your baby's development as well. Remember you need an additional 300 calories per day. 

Avoid Foods That May Threaten The Mother and Fetus
Such as Meat, cheese, eggs, pasteurization milk, alcohol and caffeine.

Do Not Diet During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is not the right time to your diet. It will only endanger the mother and baby. Diet during pregnancy will cause a lack of vitamins, minerals and other important during pregnancy. Weight loss in pregnancy is one good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Pregnant women who eat well will gain weight gradually; typically will give birth to healthy babies.

Eating Small Portion But Often
In the first trimester there are usually complaints of nausea vomiting (morning sickness). Try to overcome by eating small portions but often.  Avoid spicy and greasy food. Eat small portions but made several times is recommended every 4 hours. REMEMBER… Though you are not hungry, but your baby needs food / nutrition regularly.

Take Pregnant Women Vitamins Regularly
Food that you eat is the best source of vitamins. But, are you sure your diet contains enough vitamins that needed during pregnancy, which is mainly iron and folic acid is indispensable for the growth of healthy infants.  So, you must take your vitamins regularly.

Drink Enough Water
8 Glasses a day because you need fluids for you and your baby. 33% weight gain in pregnancy is a liquid. Fluids are needed to build the baby's erythrocyte to the blood circulation system, the amniotic fluid. Your body also needs water during pregnancy to overcome constipation and regulate your body temperature.

Fibrous Foods, Fruits and Vegetables
Eat plenty of foods high in fiber, fruits and vegetables can help you cope with constipation during pregnancy.
By making healthy eating, not only to make appropriate and healthy pregnant women, but also help the healthy development of your baby.

Remember your baby's development depends on what you give and do for him. Hopefully this information can help you to do which is useful for the health of the mother of the baby during pregnancy. 

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